2015 was a pretty epic year for Silver Orchid Photography. I’d say the weddings in Bozeman, Montana and Naples, Florida officially put me on the map as a destination wedding photography. It was an awesome learning experience…and heck yeah I’d do it again and again! Very much looking forward to traveling to Vermont, Florida, and the Jersey shore twice in 2016! Traveling was fun, but even better was being a part of the most uniquely individual, personal and basically awesome bunch of weddings. I shot traditional weddings, church weddings, city and country weddings….I even shot a simply perfect hippie wedding. I photographed in ballrooms, barns, golf courses, a 200 year old inn and 50 stories up. One bride wore polka dot keds, and a groom and his men wore DC comic shirts and matching socks. The greatest thing about being a wedding photographer is that absolutely anything goes….there are zero rules, and because of that every single wedding leaves me feeling like a kid in a candy store. I am thankful for every couple that comes my way and hope that I leave them with lasting and cherished memories of the first day of their lives together as husband and wife! Thank you to all of you for choosing me…and to my 2016 couples…lets kick some wedding ass 😉