Year 7 of Cool Yule is in the books. It is really hard to put words to the level of gratitude I have for all that Cool Yule has brought to my family. It’s a labor of love this “little Santa event” I dreamt up all those years ago. When I look back at this year in particular (because don’t be fooled this is a full year in the making), I am most grateful for one thing…my people. The people who make up my team, because without you all this would not be at all possible. The people who make up my clients…some of whom have been on this ride with me all 7 years (even more of them for the 12+ years I’ve been growing Silver Orchid) and for all the newbies who just got on this ride with me. The people who make up my family who support all of this and me through it, I’d be lost without you…you make this event have a heart right along with me.
The bigger this gets, the harder it is on me personally I’m not gonna lie. I never set out to host an event that reaches like this. Every year I think, can I keep doing this…and every year these smiles, this joy, the kids loving and feeling the magic of it all and the faces of the parents who soak it all in, the ones who get it, who realize all that is sacrificed for it…I keep on doing it all for you. <3